Monday, April 26, 2010

Hardly Believe It!

I always though that I'm all alone in my class.
I didn't mean it literary!
I mean, sometimes I feel like no one could understand me just because I'm different!

Anyway, we were all went out to the beach yesterday.
Let's just say it is for the last time we have fun together.

I'm a type of person that just can't stand watching the beach without getting wet.
So, several guys in my class and me decided to start the party and jump right to the beach!
Guess what?
We all get wet XD

Well, the fun is just start!
We decided to drag along the girl and throw them to the water!
We throw them without thinking about anything at all.

I mean what the worst thing will happen?
It's just a sallow water!
They would just run after us trying to have a revenge!

Any way, after doing all the stupid things in the sea, we all got starved to death.
Luckily, the fishes has all ready to be eaten by a pack of starving and wet student!

I still can't believe that I can actually have fun with my classmates.
To all of my classmates and my homeroom teacher, I would like to say thanks to you guys.
That is one of the most greatest day in my life!

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