Friday, April 9, 2010

What's Gotten to ME?!

Today at school, I just dunno what's gotten in to me.
I mean it's not a bad thing!
It's just...
Okay, here's what happened

My teacher call me and my friends who were in the same group with me yesterday.
At first I though he's going to say something important or what!
It turns out that he want us to play another songs in front of the other kids.
Well... I didn't want to do that at first, but my friends just suddenly yes!
Crap, seems like I have to do it again!
But first I have to make my teacher promised that he won't lower our scores if we made a mistake.

And here's come nothing!
We play, they give us applaus.

Hey, not bad!
Let's just say that this is a good experience since I (as long as I remember) never sing in front of the publics.
And guess what?
It's not as bad as I though!

Anyway, my teacher sudddenly ask us to perform in the prom night party.
And my answer is a big NO!
Eventhough I enjoy it, I just can't stand the croud!
Everytime I have to perform something, I was just to nervous and I will forget everything!

Well, until now I just don't get it!
I just don't get why we have to play again at prom!

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