Saturday, February 26, 2011

I Miss You Sweety... TT.TT

It's not a person. It's my cell phone. Yes. I lost him...
Losing my cell phone means cutting ALMOST all the connection that I have to the world. No offense, but hey, I live with my aunt who lived in the middle of nowhere! And it also means that I could hardly contact my brother, Asch, Sora, and Usagi-nii. Just thinking about it really makes me wanna cry TT^TT

Here's what happened:
It was a beautiful Saturday, where I accompany my brother looking for a gift for his dearest GF. And since I'm a good kid, I decided to buy my brother and his GF a present for their birthday. Everything went well. Then I go separate ways with my brother. I was going to comic rent that time. When I arrived, I use my flash disk (which was attached to my cell phone) to transfer my story to the computer in there so I could post in in my other blog (you should read it in: ). Everything went well until I go back to my aunt place and realize that my cell phone is not in my jeans pocket. I though I left it in the comic rent, so I am not worried. But then, when I come the next day, the owner told me that he didn't see my cell phone. And I was like, "HOLLY SHIT! Is that mean I accidentally drop it in my way home?". Extremly worried, I tried to call my cell phone, but I am not surprise when I can't reach it.

Well... that's the story of me and my cell phone. I just hope that he could find a better place wherever he was. Hiks... TT^TT

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