Monday, January 10, 2011

Fucking Teacher - Challenging Ass - Passion - Target

Hmm... I hate that fucking teacher. I'm sure about that. I just wanna be honest by telling him that I'm handling the subject just fine until he start pushing me over the limit by trying to state that I am not capable with the subject. And as you might already guess, I rather die than showing him what he actually want. So I don't really now what the heck is happening all I know is both of us is start yelling to one another and at the end, when he lost with my argument, he start telling me not to raise my voice to a teacher like that. Well... I won't raise my voice to the ones that I respect as a teacher or some sort of it. But him? I would NEVER respect him like one of them. A kid I might be, but I'm gonna let my voice out to what I believe is right. If he think that he would say yes to what I do not believe, he make such a damn mistake!

Anyway, one of my respected teacher ask me and my friend to make an article about water for the future. I kinda get the idea to write about the energy that we could use from the water. The idea is actually given by a friend of mind. So I start to write down the point of what I'm trying to write. But then, before I even finish writting half of my whole idea, I realize that I lost my passion to write. Or at least the passion is not as strong as how it was back than.

I don't know whether it's because of the topic or what. All I know is I didn't really enjoy writting as much as I did. I was kinda hoping that the passion would grow stronger in no time. But until that time, who know?

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