Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hear My Prayer(?)

'...people always tell me that this's part of the plan, that God got everybody in his hand, but I can only pray that God is listening. Is he listening?...'
That one belongs to 'The World is Black' by Good Charlotte. I think that song is the perfect one for my condition. I kinda hope that I don't have to go to school today, and seems like that the God really hear my prayer, I was kinda happy. But the problem is, my friend text me just a while ago. Telling me that our scedule has change. And since i'm leaving for bandung tomorrow (which means I'll enter the school at friday), my friend told me that we're gonna have history for the first and second hour.

I have to tell you that I like history, but not the teacher. To be honest, he's SUCK! And just to make it worse, he also gonna be the replacement teacher for sosiology.

At that time I kinda get the feeling that this's my punishment from the God for not entering the school tomorrow and today.

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