Saturday, March 19, 2011

Lack of Sleep

Ok, here's the thing, I went to Jakarta yesterday with a headache along the way. I somehow manage not to lose my sanity by using my insane friend as the anchor of my sanity. Weird, huh? But that is the truth. And since I have the back row all for my self, I decided to lay down and try to sleep. I thought I could easily fall asleep since I barely stay awake few minutes before that.
Well...seems like I was wrong. I did manage to get some sleep. But only for a few minutes and I ended up having a sore body caused by accidentally sleeping on a pairs of seatbelts. So instead of sleeping, I decided to read the story that I'm currently working on but get stuck again in no time. I honestly run out of idea and I can't figure out what should I write next. And since sleeping and working on the story is not gonna work, the only choice left for me was editing my story.
I do love to write, but I honestly have editing stuff. Why? Because I'm a type person who didn't really pay any intention to the detail.

Anyway I decided to sleep at my cousins place. It was around 11 p.m when I told my cousin not to sleep too late. Guess what? I'm the one who ended up sleeping even later than her. I can finaly manage to fall asleep around 3 in the morning and since I'm having trouble sleeping lately, I was awaken by my cousin when he woke up. My head really hurts when I realise that it still around six. Believe it or not, if you want me in the best shape, I need to sleep at least 8 hours. So I think you can imagine how I felt.

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