Monday, September 20, 2010

Waiting for a Jet Plane....again....

Okay, now I'm sitting in the airport (no, I'm not in the waiting room yet), Makassar. My flight is around 11.00 WITA, if there's nothing happen. No offense, but they often delay our flight without a clear reason. I mean, I won't mind if they delay, or cancel, our flight because there's some sort of storm, but guess what? They often delay our flight because their waiting for the spare parts for the plane!

Geez! I just don't get it! Why don't they have some stocks for their OWN spare parts? For me, doesn't have any spare parts is just the same with traveling without bringing some undies! Or...or...TRAVELING WITHOUT MONEY!

Anyway, doesn't have extra spare parts for something like a plane prove that we're too cheap. Even for our live. Hey, I didn't blaber about it without knowing nothing!

I'm gonna give you an example. There's a plane that crash in the air on 2004, remember? I don't wanna tell you from wghich company, but if you really want to know, you might want to search it in the internet. Anyway, a few years later, in 2009 if I'm not mistaken, I saw a documentary program in National Geographic called AIR CRASH INVESTIGATION, at that time, they were talking about OUR plane who crash down without any good explaination. They start to investigate. Let me make this quick, that company (who own the plane that crashed), didn't change the spare part that's not working properly. When the maintenance realize that that part is not working perfectly, they just take it off, clean it a bit and put it back. When I saw it, I'm so amazed. I'm surprised that the plane could still fly, that none of the authority know about what the maintenances have done, and that the pilot are so brave that they willingly (or forced because they need money?) to fly that plane!

Anyway, I would always envy their bravery. Not. only them, but everyone around me......okay, MOST of everyone.

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