Saturday, July 24, 2010

Move On

It's been a week since I move to Bandung.
It hurt and it's not easy.
But I realize that nothing will change unless I chang it my slef.

I decided to move on.
I'm gonna go with all I've got to start the new page move my live.

I realize that moving on without knowing where to move is kinda crazy.
But that's how I do it.
I mean, knowing where to move might be a smart thing.
Moving without knowing, in the other hand, is a good thing than didn't move at all.

So here I am, staring at the computer, trying to write something for my new project.
I hope everything go as the plan and I can finish the project in no tim and send it to my teacher back in Makassar.
I can't tell you how glad I am to have a fan.
My brother, can't say whether he's a fan or not, laugh when he read my very first project.
When I asked him what's wrong, he told me that the way I write it is something.

Weeks before he read that, we finally make a peace after all the childish fight we made all these time.
After we're having 'the peace declaration', my brother become the closest family member to me.
I often think that... I'll be okay without my parents as long as I have my brother by my side.
It might be true, but I also need peoples to support me.
I need more people like my brother, Asch, Sora, Viki, and Eiko.

I realize that now we're shattered around.
Me and my brother in Bandung.
Asch and Viki in Makassar.
And Eiko who's going to Japan.

I really want to finish that project A.S.A.P
Because I want them to know what I really feel all thistime.
I want them to know what's actually happened deep down in my heart.

It hurt me when I remembered that we're shattered around.
But I'm glad we're shattered.
Because when we meet again, we'll have a lot of things to talk to.

P.S: I'm thinking about joining the geotourism. My guardian already say yes. They encourage me actaully. I hope my parent would also say yes....

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