Friday, July 2, 2010

Count Down : 4 Days Left

I knew that I never told you guys this... but I'm going to move to another city.
I don't think it's going to make a big difference for my friends, I mean I only got some.

Anyway, I was excited and afraid in the same time. It's not easy to move and live alone in the city that you didn't really knew.

I'm not really good at making friends you know!
One of the best thing that I can do is writing, and I don't think writing could make a big diffrence iwhile making friends...

Being left alone is already become a part of my world.
But leaving the one that I love behind?
Nah... I can't eeven imagine it.

I hate to admit that I'm scared. I mean, everyone think that I'm a tough girl.
Well... I AM a though girl when your talking about fighting!
I might not the best fighter, but I'm not an easy one.
What I really mean is, eventhough I AM a tough fighter, it doesn't mean that I can't cry right??

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